2007年5月29日 星期二

Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun皖南古城:西递和宏村

Brief Description
The two traditional villages of Xidi and Hongcun preserve to a remarkable extent the appearance of non-urban settlements of a type that largely disappeared or was transformed during the last century. Their street plan, their architecture and decoration, and the integration of houses with comprehensive water systems are unique surviving examples.
簡要說明Xidi和Hongcun二個傳統村莊保存在卓越的程度上類型的非都市解決出現在上個世紀期間,主要消失或被變換。 他們的街道計劃、他們的建築學和裝飾和房子的綜合化與全面供水系統是獨特的生存例子。 辯解為題字標準iii Xidi和Hongcun村莊是根據興旺的貿易的經濟被創造在一個封建期間和的人的解決的類型的圖表例證。

Justification for Inscription
Criterion iii The villages of Xidi and Hongcun are graphic illustrations of a type of human settlement created during a feudal period and based on a prosperous trading economy. Criterion iv In their buildings and their street patterns, the two villages of southern Anhui reflect the socio-economic structure of a long-lived settled period of Chinese history. Criterion v The traditional non-urban settlements of China, which have to a very large extent disappeared during the past century, are exceptionally well preserved in the villages of Xidi and Hongcun.
辯解為題字標準iii Xidi和Hongcun村莊是根據興旺的貿易的經濟被創造在一個封建期間和的人的解決的類型的圖表例證。 標準iv在他們的大廈和他們的街道樣式,南安徽二個村莊反射中國歷史的一個長壽命的被安定的期間的社會經濟的結構。 在過去世紀期間,標準v中國,傳統非都市解決必須一個非常大程度消失了,格外是保存良好在Xidi和Hongcun村莊。
